Many moons ago, during my senior year in college, I was brusquely made aware of the need for mountain rescue and I volunteered with a newly formed mountain rescue group (Southern Arizona Rescue Association). One requirement was First Aid certification, so I signed up for a university level course taught by the PE department. At some point, I asked the instructor, "What do we do if that is not available?" He looked at me like I had just fallen out of my tree and replied, "That will never happen..".

He was thinking "athletic field" and I was thinking "back country..."

Some years later or so (1970)when EMT became available, I was able to take an NPS sponsored course which was deliberately slanted toward wilderness settings, definitely more appropriate for the situations I was encountering as a SAR volunteer (and also pertinent to the field work I was doing). That course was challenging and the lessons I learned were not learned later the hard way on the victims I have encountered since.

Context is everything.
Geezer in Chief