Originally Posted By: AKSAR
Originally Posted By: Montanero
What does time have to do with it? The insulation moderates the outside temperature reaching the contents, whether hot or cold. You would need to access and check the contents regularly anyway, as you would with most important pieces of gear or supplies. You can get a better cooler, with better insulation, or you can store in your car with no insulation, your choice. You pick which one is better. To insulate or to not insulate, that is the question.
Time has everything to do with it. Insulation will only slow the warming. Left in a hot car long enough, the contents of an insulated first aid kit will eventually warm up to the ambient temperature inside the car.

If you don't believe me, try a simple experiment. Take an insulated cooler, and fill it with icy cold cans of beer. During a heat wave, put the cooler inside a locked car, parked in the hot sun. A day or two later, drink your now warm beer. Better insulation will buy you more time, but given enough time the end result is always the same. The temperature inside the insulation will reach equilibrium with the temperature outside the insulation.

This is a consequence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Physics always wins, in the end.

Yes AKSAR, time is important but is a constant. You know you want to leave it there, and that the available protection is only good for so long, so you check your stuff, restock, repackage, whatever is necessary. But that is a physical effort on the part of the person doing the storage. If temperature is a problem, insulation is a solution, but not a complete one. I know of no packaging material that does not include climate control machinery that will endure a year in very hot temperatures. So it means that you must service your stash. That does not bear at all on whether you decide to insulate or not. You must insulate, but you must understand that it is not a permanent solution. The point I was making was that she must insulate, and she must also service it regularly. If she is not leaving the car in a climate controlled garage, then the first aid kit will need to maintained fairly regularly. As I put in my response, time is not a factor in deciding whether or not to insulate.

I am very familiar with heat, and cold, and extremes of both, having worked from arctic conditions to some of the hottest places on Earth. I have been on some of the higher mountains on Earth, the lowest spots, the driest deserts, and the worst jungles. I take you response as a bit condescending in tone.