Whilst times are normal, I believe in not attracting undue attention.
Dress in a similar style to those around you, don't stand out.
Avoid expressing strong opinions on politics, morals, religion, or even sporting teams.
Democracy is important, but I limit my involvement to voting for the party that I support. And maybe attending small, local, indoor meetings, I would never attend or go near any large scale political rally.

In times of tension or impending riot, stay away from trouble, possibly stay indoors.
Keep an eye on the news for events that could lead to disorder.

Cary a concealed weapon where lawful, but remember that it is better to be in some other place rather than getting into a shoot out.

Make your home as secure as possible without looking like a fortress or being in any way unusual.

Keep supplies of food and water, for emergencies in general and in particular to avoid any need to go the shops for a few days.