Overseas in 3rd world countries I quit carrying gear from American outdoors stores. It attracts unnecessary attention, and the locals are more likely to steal your stuff. You look "touristy".

I just take one of those fire-starters that are sold at BBQ stores ... to get charcoal bricks burning. Basically, it's a tube of metal with some legs and a handle. Those things put out a lot of heat, and you can easily cook a whole dinner over one. You can put in kindling, small pieces of wood (chopped), or the local charcoal sold on the street. Third world charcoal is often very crummy in quality, so beef it up with some wood chips.

BTW, if somebody offers to make goat soup for you ... tell them not to put the goat's head in the middle of the basin. It's not very appetizing. :-)

Have fun!!

Edited by Pete (05/30/18 03:10 AM)