I also think that the leader of N. Korea is the type of personality who would 'go for it' - attempt a surprise attack on S. Korea, Japan and Guam -if his back was to the wall. If they mount a surprise attack with chemical weapons (artillery shells), info sabotage (hacking), and possibly some nuclear weapons - I think that the damage and confusion on the Korean peninsula would be enormous.

But the author of the article (link posted above) has a very good point. N. Korea has no way to 'follow up' a surprise attack by re-supplying their own Army divisions when they cross the DMZ ... they can't even feed their own army inside their own country. Any surprise attack on S. Korea would fizzle extremely quickly. And then N. Korea would be wiped out.

But just the same ... the damage from chemical and nuclear contamination would be tremendous. Hope it never comes to this.