This has been a slow moving emergency, and I'm surprised it hasn't had more coverage. Local dramas get more clicks, I guess.

It appears to be particularly bad in Bangladesh, with one-third of the country underwater at one point. Hard to imagine.

Most of us are accustomed to an engineered and risk-assessed landscape, to some degree, and we have expectations that someone is responsible and answerable for lapses.

This is nothing like the developing world, where the most vulnerable live in unregulated shantytowns/slums and are exposed to the full fury of natural disasters. Or, live as subsistence farmers and live always on the brink of hunger or tragedy.

Solutions? I don't know if there are any, realistically. It is appropriate to be mindful, though, of ongoing tragedies in the human family, and to help a little as best as one can. A few dollars toward helping organizations (MSF in my case) probably does more than all the internet ink in the world.

My 2c.