Originally Posted By: wildman800

Always remember the military axiom: Amateurs speak of tactics, Professionsls speak of Logistics, Logistics, and Logistics. It does no good to field an army and not be able to keep said army supplied with beans, bullets, appropriate clothing, shelter, etc.

Having too much creates logistical issues, so I'm a fan of having just enough.

Even at a household level, this can mean a lot. A bigger freezer to store lots of food; Takes more space (expensive in some places) and power. Prepare the freezer for power loss; add a generator (would not care that much if the content of mine tiny freezer needs to be thrown away). Well, a generator costs money and needs fuel and maintenance. So add fuel cans, spare parts, time and tools for maintenance. Obviously, everybody needs to known how to use everything, in case you are not there. So there is some training involved. Adding things require more and more logistics behind it to keep everything running.

Even professional organisations can turn things into a burden. An example I have seen in Asia; they bought a new fire fighting foam system. But did not integrate it into a regular fire engine. They stuck it in a van. So it always showed up late, very few people are actually trained with it and the end result is; nice new toy, money spent, space was taken at the station and very little actual effect achieved.

And there are so many other examples, where adding things, just makes logistics harder, but does not really help with the end result.