A lot would depend on the reason for/source of the EMP. With a bad solar event the EMP could be widespread and of variable severity. But I would consider that the "good kind" of EMP; the other option would be a nuke! With a solar event a lot of havok could be wreaked but there'd be a lot of folks pulling together to get things back up and running. If it was due to warfare or a very bad terrorist attack then getting stuff back up would be orders of magnitude more difficult.

I too find it unlikely you'd care much about your iPod if it was a Mad Max style 'pocky-klipse'. wink

Salvaging tech could be important, though. If your Kindle was kept safe it could run a month or more on a charge and literally hold enough books to rebuild civilization! At a minimum it would safeguard information on survival, emergency medicine, etc. Maybe tech manuals. A solar charger could keep a few low drain devices going for the foreseeable future.

Military satellites may be hardened enough to survive many EMP events so a GPS could retain its usefulness. A shortwave set could be a boon to anyone trying to communicate after some kind of disaster, too.
“I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” —Richard Feynman