Firefox now complains about anything that is not HTTPS, with varying degrees of alarmism. Try going to something that actually IS https, but uses a self-signed certificate (free) rather than a paid certificate from some place like Verisign, and boy will Firefox complain. So will Chrome. You'd think the whole world was on fire!

Note: Most public websites don't use self-signed certificates, but many private ones do. I've got a couple HTTPS websites set up at home for my personal cloud service and backup service. They are perfectly secure with encryption and all, but I don't need to pay Verisign to prove to me that the personal websites that I own are indeed owned by me (I already know that!) But Firefox screams about it like a scalded ape. Chrome does too. But public websites are different. Those have many different users and those users rightfully might want to know that their target website is indeed where they thought they were going. Not a big deal for some place like Equipped To Survive (who would want to spoof this website, and why?) But something like a banks website is a whole different ballgame.

I'm sure Verisign,, paid good money to Firefox to have it scream so loudly to coerce people to use Verisign's paid signing service.