Originally Posted By: WesleyH
It has been mentioned that you cannot use amature radio without a license. That is partially correct.

In an Emergency you may use ANY Radio to call for help. Legally.

If I was in an emergency situation, I wouldn't care if it was "legal" for me to use a particular radio or not. That thought wouldn't even cross my mind. And if for some reason it did, it would be dismissed rapidly. My concern in an emergency would be "Do I know enough about this to use it effectively?", not, "Is it legal for me to use it?"

I checked out the ARRL book from my local library. Got about half way through it before I had to return it. No re-checking it out immediately due to a wait list on it. I'm now on the wait list to get it back, so I can finish it and go take the test. It took a couple of months to get through the wait list the first time I got the book.

After reading half the book, I see no reason to buy it so I can have my own copy. And I'm in no hurry to get a license. So I'll wait...