Originally Posted By: CANOEDOGS
I have a YouTube of my wash up method on wilderness canoe trips.
you need the liquid soap,Campsuds.a few drops will do the job.
boil water in a small pot and add to cold water in a bigger one to get the right temp.stand on your dirty clothes and wash your hair with the soap and rinse a bit using the water to wash more.
rinse with the rest.the clothes can be rinsed out in you water source.the soap can be used in any water that's what makes this work so well.if your in a real survival situation a cold bath is all you can expect as you don't want to waste time and effort on the real thing.i use a small cook pot and Platypus bags.

Release soapy water in the rivers/lakes?
You're not supposed to do that, not even if its "biodegradable" soap, even campsuds website says so, even says so on the label

In USA its actually illegal in places like BWCAW (and probably more places)
  • The following are enforceable Forest Service regulations (maximum penalty of $5,000 and/or 6 months in jail).
  • No soaps even biodegradable in any streams, river or water source.
  • Do NOT use soap, not even biodegradable soap, in any stream, river, lake or hot springs.
  • USE OR DISPOSAL of soap, detergent or other pollutants in the river is prohibited.
  • Bathe and wash dishes at least 150-200 feet from lakes and streams. Remember that ALL soaps, including biodegradable soaps, pollute water.
  • All soaps pollute water including soaps labeled "biodegradable."