First of all, as others have commented earlier, there's nothing wrong with weekend warriars. In fact, this site is especially useful for us (yes, I am one), as it provides information that "professionals," such as yourself, don't know. That information may save my life someday. That alone is a worthy objective for any webmaster and Doug is to be commended for dedicating the time and energy to this task. He may never know if it does indeed save a live because the most likely scenario is folks who learn skills here may have learned how NOT to put themselves in life threatening situations.<br><br>Second, why are you trespassing? A landowner protecting his or her property is not an "Old World" way of thinking. It's a basic legal right.<br><br>I may be misreading your intent, or maybe I'm too "New World" to understand how things are done in Europe. But my experience has shown that if you approach private landowners politely and honestly, most are willing to accomodate campers and hikers. <br><br>Truthfully, if I were a farmer and noticed someone skulking about my property, purposely trying to evade me, I'd grab my shotgun expecting that he or she was up to no good. Be careful. You may end up pulling buckshot out of your behind.
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL