As previously discussed, my truck kit is comprised of a 96 hour kit (72 hour kit + more food & water) and my backpack based GHB. The truck kit has a largish FAK, sleeping bag, blankets, extra clothing, both D-cell and AA LED lights, spare batteries, an MSR MicroRocket stove plus fuel canister (in the GHB) and an MSR WhisperLite International stove in a larger container. I can easily hang with the truck for quite a while in an emergency. For trips outside SOCAL (especially in winter) I add a duffel bag with additional winter gear which increases the blankets & cold weather clothing available.

Much of the kit is in waterproof containers, so if I were stuck someplace I could move those containers under the truck, and use a largish nylon tarp to turn the back of the truck into a living space. No need to cook inside the truck's cab, the back is much safer.

The truck is parked in the garage at home, so unfortunately if there is a major earthquake, the first thing on my list is to open the garage door and move the truck out to the street. Then I assess damage if any and shut off the natural gas.