A few quick tips, in case future visitors use this thread for preparation for Amazon trips.

1. Give yourself plenty of time to adapt to the climate. Bring a lot of electrolytes. Schedule activities for the cooler times of the day, avoid direct sun between 10am and 3pm.

2. The State of Acre does NOT give antimalarial pills to visitors. You cant buy any pills for malaria from the pharmacies or the hospital. The same thing also applies to Peru - but we expected this in Peru (its a poor country). We did not expect this in Brazil. This was a shock to us. None ... nada ... no malaria meds for travelers ... you cant get them. Make sure you bring a good supply from your home country. Mosquitos were not a problem inside the towns, Rio Branco or Brasileia. But the forest is a whole different story.

3. Advice from a local doctor who lives here ... a. Avoid forest explorations after 17 hour i.e. after 5pm. Malaria mosquitos are active in the jungle after that time ... b. Be very careful about the snakes. Many people have been bitten and died ... c. Be careful with the local water - there are a lot of amoebas and health contamination issues.

4. The roads do contain potholes. Expect to drive slowly.

5. Prepare ice-water for emergencies. Acre and Rondonia are notoriously hot climates.

Edited by Pete (11/07/16 01:27 AM)