Originally Posted By: haertig
But I feel sorry for those who can't make any decision for themselves and instead require the government to do it for them and totally control every aspect of their lives, without question or personal consideration. Not the way I'd want to live.

The issue at hand is people who think for themselves and refuse to follow evacuation orders. They sometimes get themselves in trouble, risk the lives of rescuer, and the money of taxpayers. Is there a problem with people who follow evacuation orders "too closely"? Since this is ETS, emergency situations are our context. Are there situations where the authorities issued a really bad order in an emergency, and people followed the order even and perished as a result? (Note that this is not quite what haertig is talking about. I'm seriously having a hard time imagining an emergency evac situation this applies to.)

I'm not aware of people who can't make decision for themselves and want the government to make it for them. I do know people who don't think others make good decisions, and they get the government to set rules for everybody. As a consequence, you cannot marry your sister or buy soda above a certain size, unlike the good old days. How crazy is that?