Originally Posted By: Dagny

This last Saturday night some homes which were not affected in '08 were this time and we were all impacted differently. This time, as I mentioned previously, my fridge stayed on and the stovetop light stayed on. Everything else was off.

My house was built in 1989 but most of these homes are 80-100 years old, or older.

All are rowhouses.

According to this webpage you may have an electrical problem in your home which is why you are experiencing some outlets still having power. The explanation is very technical but I am sure if you called a local electrician, they could explain it much better.

Some more info.

Edited by Teslinhiker (08/16/16 02:51 AM)
Edit Reason: Added another link
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

John Lubbock