Originally Posted By: Russ
The best instant coffee I've tried -- Starbucks Via

Originally Posted By: LCranston
have a few of those powdered cappuccino things in the winter; close enough to coffee for me, close enough to hot chocolate for the kids

Agree on both! VIA is really good instant coffee. I like cream and sugar in my coffee, so three-in-ones are a simple solution, but they're not exactly good coffee. If I hard to make a hard choice, I'd probably pack a powdered latte. Sweet and extra creamy, feels a little more decadent than a regular cuppa joe.

Warning: Don't let anyone wipe your cup out with a baby wipe right before you make you coffee, even if it's yourself because you got no sleep in a tent with three kids all night. BLECK!!! Keep your coffee and your wipes separate. LOL!
Mom & Adventurer

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