I didn't want to hijack wildman's EQ preparedness thread, but this got me thinking:

Originally Posted By: wildman800

"EQCon 2: Insure that family members make their planned whereabouts known on a daily basis.

Earthquake, hurricane, tornado, house fire... it doesn't matter what the emergency, this one is the one we're harping on in our house right now, specifically to our son. He's immersed in the wonderful world of twelve and thirteen year old boys, whose impulsive adventures are fun but challenging when it comes to finding them at a moment's notice. (Hell hath no fury like a mama who can't find her kid in an emergency. Sometimes, GPS chip embedding seems like a brilliant idea. LOL!) His freedom to roam the world is limited but expanding, and with that, comes an increased responsibility on his part, including keeping us notified of his whereabouts.

How do you stay in the know as to everyone's whereabouts? Cell phone? GPS tracking? House arrest ankle bracelets? We're trying the old-fashioned strategy my parents used: come home and tell us where you're going, or leave a note, but it's far from foolproof.

Which leads me to: How does/did your family manage it's young people when it comes to being prepared for emergencies? The teenage years are beginning here, and I'd love any survival tips you may have before we get to the driving stage (i.e. driver's licences) of teenagerhood. Start 'em young, right?

The fun my son used to have when it comes to stuff like this is slowly being overshadowed by teenage hormones and peer pressure. (i.e. Getting my kid to take a jacket now that Spring has sprung is impossible, and he left his LED and mini FAK at home this morning "because they're dorky." On the other hand, he's now taking his house key every day because a bunch of the other kids do too now, so I guess it's socially acceptable again. UGH!)

How do you teach your kids to balance the peer pressure with the need to be prepared?
Mom & Adventurer

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