Originally Posted By: haertig
A sextant would obviously have to be accurate, but I don't know what level of precision is needed for ocean navigation, or how precise sextants can actually get. But I imagine there's a point of diminishing return spending more money to get more precision.

Bobby Schenk - a person who did a lot of blue water sailing and navigation - stated in one of his books that the accuracy of a shot with a sextant would be around 5 minutes of angle. Being able to read it with more precision may be nice but does not really improve the accuracy of your fix.
Cassens & Plath is one of the leading manufacturers of nautical instruments for both recreational and professional navigation. Their most precise sextants are state of the art equipment which also serve to show how good Cassens & Plath is.
If it isnīt broken, it doesnīt have enough features yet.