To continue with Tjin's thoughts, knowing your general or specific disability would be helpful. Mobility is an issue.

Also, Utah is a big place, are you near Provo or SLC, a smaller urban area or in a more open area?

What are the specific emergencies that are likely in your area? Heavy snow, power outages, earthquakes, wildfires, et al. Is your intent to bug-out (leave) or bug-in (shelter in place)? Different threats, different response.

As an example, I'm in southern California and the two issues I'm concerned with are earthquakes (EQ) and wildfires (WF). An EQ is a come as you are event, it happens and you are wherever you are. After the EQ there is little point in bugging out.

On the other hand, where I live, wild fires start days to maybe a week away. Fires that start nearby are taken care of quickly, the ones that start well east can get very big and containment is not easy. So bugging out is a very real possibility. Different threats, different response.