To give a good advise tell us what your disability would be usefull, but I fully understand if you don't want to tell that in a public forum.

Things I would start with (i'm not from Utah so not sure what dangers and resources are Utah specific):

- Know what the actual dangers are you want to prepare for. Check the local emergency management / red cross websites.
- Add to that how that would effect you specificly.
- Identify what you need to survive.

Some disasters can be seen coming and will give you some time to react: Wildfires, flooding, etc.

In that case I would spend my resources in the ability to get away fast. If I assume you are less mobile than most, I would invest in:
- Making plans with neighbors, friends, familiy to pick you up during a evacuation. Make sure you have a bag with essentials, but also invest in them in normal life.
- Have a emergency fund, so you can pay for a ride if nobody wan't to pick you up or pay for (beter) shelter if you are evacuated.
- Have a vehicle your self, but that can expensive.

Assuming the first two, have a bag with essentials. Best would be something you can carry your self and doesn't take up too much space. But medical supplies/devices can be big, so a hard compromise. Small and portable, because you want to be able to fit in a family car, with a family already in it.

Some disasters can occure suddenly: earthquakes, tornado's, etc.

In that case making you house more survivalble would the priority. Again assuming you are less mobile; you won't be able to take cover as easily.
- Make sure items are secure in house, so they won't fall on you or become projectals. So bolt funuture to the walls and have little above your head.
- Stormproofing / earthquakeproofing is recommended; but probably not in your budget. (although some metal straps don't have to be expensive, but totally depending on the building.)
- Making plans with neighbors, friends, familiy to help you out.
- Basic emergency kit; food, water, stove and medication/medical supplies. I would stack up on regular items; canned or dried. If you can spare the cash, using sales/bulk can even save you money in normal life.
