Hotels and similar places can catch fire, and the occupants if asleep are very vulnerable to smoke inhalation.
Effective fire alarm systems and a prompt evacuation procedure are therefore essential.

This however has got me thinking, what happens if the hotel fire alarm sounds in a very cold climate ?
It would seem to me that persons evacuated wearing only nightwear or a bathrobe would be very vulnerable to hypothermia. If somebody was wet all over due to being in the shower rather than sleeping, the risk would be greater.
So what is done in very cold climates ? The guests are presumably equipped with outdoor clothing suited to the climate, so is getting fully dressed the norm ? Hotel fire instructions in the UK invariably state "do not stop to get dressed" But perhaps in cold places the risk of delay whilst dressing is acceptable if compared to freezing to death outdoors.

I am not thinking of staying in a hotel anyplace very cold, but just wondered what happens.