Originally Posted By: adam2
It does however speak volumes that politicians are even speaking about such subjects, rather than the traditional "vote for me and everything will be just fine"

Good volumes or bad volumes? Granted, fear is a time honored technique for public opinion campaigns. Vote for me because the other guy will "A)Damage the economy, B)Take away your rights, or C)Is beholden to special interests whose will harm you" is typical campaign rhetoric. Saying we're going to get hit by a WMD sounds more like a justification for an invasion then an election campaign.

Originally Posted By: adam2

I recommend the novel "one second after" for a fictional but in my view believable account of an attack and the grave consequences thereof.

I'm reading it. "Lord of the Flies" meets the 1977 New York Blackout as written by Kafka. I've got some technical issues with it, but I can't poke much more then pencil holes in the author's reasoning of the societal consequences. Generally speaking, a nuke a couple of hundred miles up would have lit up the entire sky over the US, and some distance over the horizon, for several minutes (Starfish Prime tests in the 1962). There would have been no doubt about what just happened.

Originally Posted By: Bingley
Look at how much time, money, and energy you have for prepping. Assess your risks.....I put prepping for EMP in the same bucket as prepping for an alien invasion. Maybe I'll get around to it one day.

I might put the computer backups in an ESD bag instead of the Ziplock bag they're currently in, but that's the extent of it. The probability of CONUS wide EMPs are so low that you could almost place it in with Black Swan events. Static electricity discharges on the other hand...
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane