Originally Posted By: quick_joey_small
For now I got from Wilko in the UK; their own head lamp with 2 bright white LEDs and a tiny red one. If you want to use as little light as possible the red one would be ideal since you won't lose your night sight.
Only £3 and I've found Wilko stuff decent quality.

This thread seems to be more about inventing a new tactical light, the one you can use for torchering an assailant smile as D.Ritter has already perfected in the peaceful pocket EDC department and the Petzl e+Light - in the head lamp's one.

Confirming, in the true darkness (no moon,no distant city lights reflecting from the clouds) I'm often using a piece of masking tape over the red LED of my Petzl e+Lite to avoid blinding myself when working in the close quarters.

By the way, could you provide a link to that Wilko headlamp? Can't seem to find it online from down here.