Originally Posted By: Alex
A small device like that will be safe in just a couple of wraps of aluminum foil.

Wrap it in aluminum foil? You've got to be kidding. That sounds like something one would read on the internet. Mu-metal or a faraday cage maybe, but aluminum foil? And little things are not less susceptible to EMP than big things. Physical size does not come into play.

who needs a smartphone now when there is no service, internet, or power?

There is truth to that. Smartphones are smart because they access the internet. Without internet connectivity, they're mostly dumb. The tablet that this thread is about - it says it can predict the weather. Now how is it going to do that without internet connectivity? Is it loaded with barometric sensors, thermometers, humidity gauges, anemometers, ...?

Regarding the general usefulness of a smartphone - it is equal to saying that books will be useless after the SHTF.

I totally disagree with that. The only thing a smartphone has going for it over printed books is that it can hold a whole lot more information in a smaller package. And that's great - while your charger keeps charging, while your batteries don't give out from being recharged too many times, while you don't fall into a creek with it in your pocket, while you don't drop it and break it's screen. I see it as a reasonable supplement for books, but certainly not a replacement for them.

But even primitive children games on it are something precious already at TEOTWAWKI.

If I had all that important stuff on it, I sure wouldn't be handing it out to kids to play games on.

I view a tablet/smartphone for survival kind of like a Bic butane lighter. Great, and super easy to start fires with - when it works. But I'd prefer a ferro rod as the thing I really depend on, with the Bic lighter being the quick-n-easy solution (while it still works).