How long does it take to recover from a typical disaster? This question is prompted by reading the following article about the sluggardly recovery in Nepal, which is a bit shocking:

Now Nepal has some problems which don't affect those of us in more developed countries, but from the time the tornado, flood, EQ, or whatever strikes, how long might the survivors anticipate needing unusual coping measures before things return to "normal." (it could be argued that returning to normal may not be possible in some disasters.

According to FEMA, there were 95 disaster declarations by government entities in 2013,84 in 2014, 79 in 2015, and so far six in this year. Statistically, there should be some sort of average recovery time, perhaps refined by type of disaster, but I couldn't find any such (and besides, I thought it would be a fun question for the gang).

So what insights do ETS gurus have on this question?
Geezer in Chief