I've been carrying a Boy Scout Huntsman for about 20 years now. The Boy Scout Huntsman has a Philips screwdriver whereas the regular version has a corkscrew. I really like having the screwdriver for EDC, it's one of the more frequently used tools on mine although it's placement leaves a little to be desired at times.

DS has several different SAKs, from the very basic model, the recruit, with 2 blades, can opener and bottle opener, up to a huntsman like mine. He has a step down from the huntsman, the hiker, which is pretty much the huntsman without scissors. It also has a slightly slimmer profile than my huntsman which might be more practical for some and seems ideal for wilderness only carry.

I really like the saws on the SAKs, they are one of the most functional saws in their size range I've ever used.

The farmer is also spoken highly of although I have no personal experience with that model. It's supposed to have a longer beefier knife and saw blade. If they are anywhere near as functional as on the versions I have they'd be well worth it.

When it comes to the SAK, it's best to decide first what you'll be using it for (urban EDC, wilderness carry, etc), then decide which tools you're most likely to use, and from there pick the model which best suits your needs.

Uh ... does anyone have a match?