I think it is completely appropriate to express sympathy and support for the victims of the Paris attacks. That is a very human expression, it is not political.

Prayers for all of the families and friends who are affected.

I think that these attacks arrive with so much surprise, it is very difficult to use any type of intuition. The terrorists use "surprise attack" for that reason. a well-planned attack that gains the element of surprise will always be horribly effective.

I did notice that from the personal accounts inside the theatre ... many concert-goers were "frozen in shock". it is that weird psychological shock that happens when people see things that are completely outside their experience. The survivors literally had to climb over 'frozen people' to escape the scene. Those that did MOVE had a better chance of survival. But there is no easy answer for this ... that tendency to freeze is deeply ingrained into our subconcscious and it takes a lot of willpower to "un-freeze your body" and get moving.
