I received the 4000k version of this flashlight. The diagram above provided by Alex is fairly accurate. Compared to the Fenix LD15, this 4000k flashlight has a "warmer" color appearance. (So, the 3000k has an even warmer color appearance.) The LD15 looks to be about 5000k. I don't think I want a beam that's less than 4000k. The high settings have roughly the same brightness, and roughly the same size spotlight, to my eyes.

This stainless steel flashlight is smaller (thinner and shorter) compared to the LD15. The shorter length surprised me because the paper specifications of the LD15 show less length, but that is not actually the case.

Downsides... A downside to the LD15 is the twist switch. I prefer a button switch. Also, the LD15 is slightly bigger. A downside to this 4000k flashlight is the way it heats up if you run the flashlight on high for awhile. Aluminum (LD15) is better at dissipating heat than stainless steel (this 4000k). Another downside of this 4000k is my switch doesn't lock to the last setting when I turn it off. It cycles to the next intensity (high, medium, or low). Yes, my flashlight came with 3 levels, not 2.

I haven't yet decided which one I like better. It's roughly a draw at this point.
If you're reading this, it's too late.