I got user id 126 back in 2002. Back then it was primarily about surving aircraft crashes. It already provided lots of useful information.
Some of the old users are no longer around, some new users came. The focus shifted.
I do not think that the small corner contributes much to the way people interact here. I think itīs partly the mods and partly the breed of people who are attracted enough to stay (or are not politely asked to move on ;)). Last but not least this is not a survivalist site.
When I joined, GPSr was not available with useful accuracy and only few civilians used it. Today itīs a common item with good accuracy.
I changed too. Some things that were inspired by ETS are:
- a Ham license
- reloading
- celestial navigation
- my EDC
- making bread from scratch (i. e. from grain and water)
- making sauerkraut in a couple of varitions

I got some good advice on equipment and techniques here. Recently I took up CAS.

Thanks to Doug Ritter for providing and maintaining this site.
If it isnīt broken, it doesnīt have enough features yet.