Originally Posted By: Tom_L
I can't quite resists the impression that the overall level of emergency preparedness was a lot higher during the Cold War.

Good point. Having been around at that time, we had the Civil Defence Agency, duck and cover, a thriving industry building fallout shelters, and the like - but all for one specific type of disaster - one which we approached all too closely on occasion. But we were still woefully unprepared for the possibility of an asteroid impact - a Chicxulub event like that that ended the reign of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, according to some who have studied the impact, generating a five kilometers high. That would cause a very bad day for most of us.

At some point, the possible really, really bad events that could occur are so horrific and so rare that it just isn't worth concern.

Incidentally, in checking around on asteroid impacts, I found that one predicted for this September, is considered to be meritless by NASA. I certainly hope so. I have big plans for late September and I just don't have time for a MOM....
Geezer in Chief