I wrote all below before discovering that he has blogged -- in great detail -- about his mishap and the SAR. So in his own words, with much more detail and photos than articles contain, here's his blog:


Fortunate fellow. According to the article, he's in the midst of an epic around-the-world journey, by motorcycle.

"...The 63-year-old is currently on a around-the-world motorbike journey, and has already made his way across Europe, Russia, China, Japan and New Zealand."

Coincidentally, just before seeing this thread I was checking the battery level on my Garmin 401 -- which would prevented this guy's drama. Rudimentary GPS (no maps), tremendous battery life (15 hours on two AAA batteries) and that's why I like it. Mark your starting point and the 401 leaves breadcrumbs, as well as all the other data you need to navigate. Seems like a smart tool to always have on hand when on the journey he is.

That guy was in an extremely remote area to be traipsing off into the woods without shoes and end up 12 km from his starting point. Other than not having food or shoes the article did not go into detail about what, if anything, he did have which could have aided survival.

Just saw this in another article: He had gone swimming and then decided to cut across the forest (bush) as a shortcut. Hence, no shoes.



"The retired AA mechanic ran into trouble after he went swimming to visit a waterfall and realised he could not find his way back to his camp.

"...he was camping with two families while exploring the Old Telegraph Track - a popu
lar tourist spot
