My .02...
1) A WiFi network is only as secure as it was setup to be. As a general rule of thumb, public WiFi is not secure.

2a) The next generation of security is not going to be biometrics. It's two factor authentication. In addition to your username and static password, a second, changing, password is required. Microsoft offers an app with a code that changes every 30 seconds, Google will text you a one-time-use code. It all but eliminates brute force attacks, and unless someone is very very clever, requires physical access.

2b) With the recent SCOTUS ruling regarding compelling alphanumeric passwords (warrant needed) vs biometrics as passwords (no warrant needed), the industry is going to be very shy about biometric passwords.

3) Regardless of the connection to the net, anything more complicated then a basic cell phone is going to require antivirus. And, if used for two factor authentication, the ability to remote erase the memory.

4) Either don't store anything valuable on a mobile device, or encrypt the drive. Systems like the IronKey flash drives, with self destruct capabilities, are about as good as you're going to get for mobile memory.

5) There's not a flipping thing you can about somebody else's infosec. Operate on the assumption that they will be hacked. Encrypt whenever possible.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane