Originally Posted By: Alex
The list of 20 items they could choose 10 from is (number on the right is how many times it was claimed by Alone folks)
2. Regular Knife (9)
3. Large Knife (Khukuri)...

Is that an official list? I am asking because I checked again on the History Channel website and didn't see any distinction between "large" and "regular" knives. As far as I understand, those participants that decided to take a knife (9 out of 10) were allowed to pick pretty much any kind of design regardless of size. Most seemed to prefer somewhat smaller belt knives but Alan had a kukri and Lucas used a custom knife with a large, hefty blade.

As far as making your own hunting bow and arrows... It can be done but it is a pretty demanding process. It also requires proper bow wood, hopefully seasoned. Fishing line is not ideal for a bow string. And making arrows that fly true and hit hard is another challenge. Frankly, I don't think it's a realistic proposition for most people.