Update from CNN. It wasn't a stuck rental car. The car got them to the trailhead just fine. It was attempting a 4.6 mile, no shade, deep sand hike in 101F (38C) with only 40 oz of water for three people that killed them.


The Inquisitr has a picture of the couple. They don't appear to be out of shape. They just badly underestimated the affects of the desert sun and the dunes.


I've gone out in late season desert hikes with (4) 1.5 L bottles (>200 oz), and come back to the car 4 hours later with less then a liter remaining. It's incredibly easy to underestimate water needs in the open desert.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane