Thanks for the tips teacher ...

I'm not in charge of the event, so that will be up to the other scout leaders to decide (i'll try my best to make sure they remember to include those items on any lists even tho the scouts are SUPPOSED to make sure they always bring their ten essentials with them); the PFDs are being provided so the scouts don't have to bring their own; a group first aid kit always goes with us as far as I know (but not in my canoe); same with the contact lists, and we are all well aware of food sensitivities (one with peanut and another with egg allergy); good idea on the glasses straps and the waterproof bag, I'd been thinking of using one as the bottom of my pack did get wet last year; I have the powerbanks and cords for my phone already, just forgot to put them on the list.

Jeanette, my first aid kit is just a small personal kit, with band-aids, a few 3 by 3 gauze pads, small roll of tape, moleskin, hand sanitizer, antibiotic ointment, scissors, gloves, and pencil and paper (per the boy scout handbook on personal first aid kits, less the cpr barrier as I can't seem to really find one of these); I am considering ramping that up a bit so I can deal with other minor injuries/emergencies that may crop up until the person with the group kit arrives, but I am not really much of a first aid person.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?