thanks. excellent discussion!
my practical take-away from this thread is the following:

1. I need to find my emergency radio, which has become "lost in the shuffle". I need to check the batteries.
2. I need to put away some spare gasoline. this is always a bit tricky, because it's a fire hazard. but it would be very useful to store some ... somewhere.
3. I need to keep augmenting my supply of water.
4. MOST importantly for me. I was thinking about the route to my house, in the event that LA has a major quake. I realized that my "exit route" crosses through a zone with a high fire hazard i.e. a suburb with very high-density houses, all located very close together. I need to cross that zone VERY quickly after the quake, before fires have a chance to become established. I will give some thought to this, and possible alternative routes.


Edited by Pete (07/28/15 01:20 PM)