Originally Posted By: chaosmagnet

Situational awareness is in my opinion the most important of urban survival skills.

True in all situations, but IMO critical in urban survival.

Many years ago, an old time street Cop told me that he could spot both potential victims and potential bad guys on the street by the way they walked. Victims had their heads down, walked tentatively, etc. Bad guys looked like they were hunting and tracking prey, waiting for an opportunity (I guess they were).

For a guy who likes hard cold facts, I find it strange, but true, to say "trust your gut." If something does not feel right, or someone doesn't seem right---believe it and get away.

John Astin (the actor) once was asked how he got along in one of the worst sections of NYC when he lived there as a starving young actor. He replied that when on the street, he put on his best "crazy" expression, and no one ever even approached him. Body language and attitude are key.

Don't make eye contact. Walk like you own the place and know where you are going; don't dawdle and look confused.

Don't stop and get into a conversation with anyone about anything. Keep moving. If possible, move into a crowded area; not because they might help, but because the bad guy doesn't want to take the risk that they might, and/or there are too many witnesses.

Remember, they want to prey on the weak---safer and more profit. So don't walk around looking like prey.

A friend and co-worker of mine once explained how he managed to safely live in one of the most gang-infested neighborhoods of Washington D.C. Basically, he called it "attitude" (my word). This quiet, soft-spoken accountant then proceeded to show me his "street" persona, and he scared the heck out of me. He never had any problems with the street gangs.
"Better is the enemy of good enough."