Never heard of this 'initiative' here in the UK.

But, we have a growing problem of young kids carrying big knives for 'defence' the scarier looking the better e.g. Buckmaster 184 style.

These are drawn at the smallest hint of trouble i.e. being 'dissed' or even being 'looked at hard' and often used for the most trivial reasons leading, of course, to horrendous wounds or death.

For the normal person there is not a problem. I have daily carried a pocket knife from school 12-13 years old to today 65 years old. Never had the tiniest niggle of a problem. The majority of my friends do the same.

This is the normal experience in our society, 14 year olds with 10" fantasy knives is not.

Recent example:
BBC News

Edited by Ian (06/24/15 08:37 AM)