As a father and a Scoutmaster, not to mention retired SF soldier, I have focused a lot on teaching skills and reducing dependency on gear and electronics. While those devices are nice to have, and may save your life, it is best to train on developing those skills you describe. Getting ourselves and the kids away from comforts and conveniences is good for all of us. Learning is a process, and skills must be practiced. Watching a movie or reading a book without practice does not cut it. I love learning primitive skills using old (before electricity or internal combustion engines) technology. And I love being in the woods without distractions.

All of that said, I carry those minimal things that I described earlier, just in case. The pioneers and Native Americans would have carried them if they had such things.

Remember that gear and technology do not replace training, practice and good judgment. You only develop skills and good judgment by getting out there, and probably making some mistakes. Just don't let the mistakes kill you.