LOL chaos, yeah I feel that way sometimes about the storage unit, guess I'll be making more of an effort to finish cleaning out the garage when the weather breaks here to make some room out there. The packs and sleeping bags are what is taking up a large amount of the space. Three summer weight bags, three honking big 0 degree mummy bags, plus DS got a smaller summer weight mummy for Christmas that will fit in his backpack, although this one is no where near as bulky as the others, this one packs down to the size of a football in it's compression sack.

Vermin will definitely be a consideration for putting stuff out in the garage, we have found more than our share of evidence of furry four legged critters out there. I'm not sure how big a concern humidity will be. I think I may be able to get by with the dessicant in the bins.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?