Originally Posted By: Brangdon
The idea is that stuck to the wind-shield it will be easier to access than something in your wallet. The disc is folded so that specific information is hidden; you need to get into the car and retrieve the disc to see anything confidential.

Hmm... good intentions by a bureaucrat, without a doubt. It sure would make you a ripe target for criminals, especially for identity theft, amongst other things. Only would take a broken window or an unlocked car door to lose valuable personal information.

As far as contact information goes, I'm not sure how it is on that side of the pond, but your law enforcement agencies probably have access to nearly all of the data they could possibly want (and then some). Databases are only becoming more and more connected, and a few easy mouse clicks away. And if they can't get it right away, it likely only takes a short bit of follow-up research.

IMHO, what this "Contact Disc" does is make things easier for people filling out reports, forms, and citations.