Originally Posted By: Treeseeker

I think I'll go for the grocery store protein bar and a vitamin pill.

I think, you are missing the point that the tabs' major advantage is their fast 100% digestion. Most of the nutrients from a regular protein bar will be removed undigested with waste. The direct comparison does not work here at all. You can not actively live on just 3 protein bars only per day for 15 days. But I certainly understand the point that for many people just the fact of eating a lot of varying in taste and texture food up to the filling sensation is a very serious source of psychological comfort, joy, morale boost, and an overall entertainment from the process. For me that's not worth an effort and time - drop in some decent fuel pellets on the go and forget it, there are more exciting/important things to do than boring foraging, cooking, chewing, and dish washing. smile

(Upd) Tried to find that field test report for the Tabs on the forum, but sadly the search function cannot go farther than 3 years back in time. Though, I'm sure, I bought my first tabs more than 5 years ago, after reading that story.