So, just to put a little twist one it; For cost considerations, let us assume you are broke.

What would you be stocking this with from the dollar store?

I keep 2 boxes of pop-tarts in my car from the dollar store, usually I find the boxes are either 6 total (3 2-packs) or 8 total (4 2-packs). I usually keep one in my desk at work.
200 calories per pop-tart

Chef Boyardee Ravioli 440 calories per can, OBSCENE amount of sodium 1500.

Green Briar Peanut Butter 10 Oz. Jar 180 calories per 2 tablespoons sodium 140 mg

Instant oatmeal 178 calories, 140 mg.

Honey 200 calories, no sodium.

If you combine the last 3 together-- oatmeal + PB + Honey, you get a basic moose goo.. I would not mix in advance, probably right when I was going to eat.
that would be ~ 558 calories, 280 sodium.