Originally Posted By: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor

The scientific deception may be even worse than even I have thought.


Just to amplify MostlyHarmless's point, it is always worthwhile to check on the qualifications (or lack thereof) of the authors of articles one cites.

A few moments use of Google shows that Christopher Booker apparently has no significant training in science, but rather was a history major. Among other dubious beliefs he claims that asbestos is "chemically identical to talcum powder" and poses a "non-existent" risk to human health.

Not exactly a guy that most people are inclined to take seriously about climate, or much else.


Edited by AKSAR (02/09/15 06:30 AM)
Edit Reason: Typo
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz