Well, getting ready to head back on to work on Monday. We are finally getting some snow here in Anchorage. Looks like about 5" overnight, and more coming down today.

The wife and I celebrated our 26th anniversary and her 52nd birthday on Thursday. Still going strong. All in all, this has been a pretty good off-rotation break for me. I bought a new bow to keep here at home, a 50# Bear Grizzly recurve. It is a good shooter, nice and smooth. With my overdraw I am pulling about 62# at my anchor point. That will be plenty for hunting, but really I intend to use my Bear Authority compound for any serious big game opportunities. I've eaten well, got a moderate amount of sleep, and still have a few bucks left in the account. Anytime I can have fun and not go broke doing it I am happy. I have been on the job now for over 6 months, and it is still good, so that is a big plus. But I am still wringing some Christmas spirit out of the new year. I have one piece of mincemeat pie left to eat before I go, the chimes on the clock are still playing carol music every hour, and the outdoor Christmas lights are still up and come on every night. With the new snow coming down, it gives me a real Vince Garibaldi moment.

As far as preps go, Even though I have augmented my arsenal, I missed the opportunity to stock up on more bulk foods like I intended. I will have to catch up on that next time I am home. I did manage to crank out another 10 lbs of breakfast sausage, this time garlic and sage, and a little hotter than normal. It was quite tasty, though a bit strong for breakfast. I also found a couple new sources for dehydrated instant refried beans. I'll put a recipe on the forum that uses them for a quick high energy meal.

I will post again when I get back in three weeks or so. Until then, y'all need to hold the fort.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)