The Rolex thread disclosed a lot of watch knowledge in the group. I am not similarly educated. So what would you recommend as a watch for me with the following criteria.

I do communications for a number of groups in very remote parts of the world. I am looking for an inexpensive watch that will spend most of its time packed in my gear bag, being used only when I am "working". If it is cheap enough I might carry two, although we have a number of other time sources available. This is a convenience item that will make my work easier when on foot or working with minimal gear.

It must have two time zones displayed at the same time and both must be as large as possible. One will be Coordinated Universal Time (UTC or Z time) the other will be the time zone where I am located. Both must be digital displays.

It must be easy to set the time (usually hacked from WWV or similar). "Atomic" feature not desired because I doubt it will work in the highlands of Brazil or other distant locations. Some watches require an amazing number of steps to set the time.

Standard battery operation is fine as I will change the battery periodically (Yearly?) and carry a spare.

I am allergic to nickle so all parts touching my skin must be plastic or non-allergenic (is that the correct term?).

Reasonable dust and water protection is required but I won't be diving with it.

The watch should have minimum "bling". Nothing fancy or expensive looking. The ideal would look like a typical WalMart cheapie.

It should not have any other "features" like alarms, timers etc. Those are not needed and complicate operation.

I have spent a lot of time hunting for the above and am beginning to think it does not exist. Any suggestions appreciated.

...........From Nomad.........Been "on the road" since '97