Hello again ETS-ers, asking for your input and opinions once again. Up front standard disclaimers, I have no affiliation or financial interest in the product I will be posting and asking about in this thread.

I received a link to this product I think because I liked a page on facebook. So first here is the product:


First off, has anyone had any experience with this or a similar type solar charger? I know absolutely nothing about these or what all the numbers mean. I have tried to follow previous threads about solar chargers and ended up lost, dazed and confused. I am really more interested in whether this is a good way to go as an entry level (and cost-conscious) solar charging device. See my intended/anticipated usage for this in the next section.

Second, would something like this be very useful? My main purpose for purchasing a solar charger such as this would be to recharge a cell phone or maybe an i-pod in areas where there is no electrical service. Say, in a primitive camping area at summer camp or a weekend camp out/camporee during scouting activities. It may also be used to charge a tablet or similar device, although I really wouldn't anticipate taking said tablet on a camp out or to summer camp. That said, I would anticipate using this to charge the tablet or similar device during a power outage at home.

So, bottom line, is this a decent product as an entry level solar charging device for my planned/anticipated usage?

Thanks in advance for your help and advice.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?