Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
I haven't tried the seller's "fire cord" but I've had mediocre to mixed results with my own home-made version of the same. From the seller/inventor's website it's simply jute cord impregnated with wax. Perhaps he's found a novel way to coat the jute but in my versions it didn't work all that well. Too much wax and you wind up with a solid mass that's hard to frizz up. Too little and it's not very waterproof. The devil is in the details and the quantity of wax must just right IME. Again, maybe some of you folks and the inventor have a found a better way to make them than I have. But I gave up on the format.

I don't know how he did it but GearWard found the right way to make the product.

Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
...if you're carrying your own tinder, why not carry dry tinder to begin with instead of worrying about stuff that will work wet?

I use firecord because I have integrated it into a survival bracelet, which is constantly exposed to moisture and there is no room there for tinder that is bulky, needs waterproof packaging, or can't resist the moisture on its own. I carry PJ balls in a waterproof vial as my go-to tinder; the firecord is a very low profile backup. It's a narrow, niche role but firecord works in that role.