Deathwind, no offense was taken.I was just trying to clarify my practice.I agree with you on the "old timey skills" and always carry a BIC lighter.I also carry a firesteel and fresnel lens as backup.The reason I think many survival Guru's teach friction fire and flint and steel is technique.If they can get someone to make the proper preparations to use an ember then the rest is childs play.I have seen people not get a fire going after using a cup of gasoline. they just didn't have a good fire lay and no kindling or tinder. I got nthe same fire going with one PJB and a double handful of match stick size twigs and finger size sticks.I was looked at like I just did majic.This was during a winter training campout in the naval Reserves.I didn't use a knife at all.I just used fallen branches that were hanging.I guess I could presplit up a piece of fatwood and wrap the same way.It would save some minutes.....
